Avoid eight foods that can cause stomach gas
Walking is a natural thing. The average person walks 5 to 15 times a day. But if you have gas in your stomach, you will not be able to do health by walking or other exercise.
Of course there is also personal pain and suffering. Experts argue that fiber-rich foods are good for your overall health, such as leafy greens and high-carbohydrate foods.
Your body doesn't have the ability to break down this food, but the bacteria in your digestive system do the job.
So, what kinds of foods do you need when you are walking, what kind of food causes excess body fat, and when do you need to consult a doctor?
1. Fatty foods
Fatty foods slow down the digestive process, so that food can slow down your pregnancy, spoil it and cause shortness of breath.
Fatty meat is rich in amino-acids, methionine and sulfur.
The bacteria in your body break down the sulfur and make another form of hydrogen sulfide. Then he smells like rotten eggs.
This increases the amount of gas that your stomach releases when you eat meat and other food, and thus it becomes a gash when the large amount of gas passes outside the stomach.
2. Green leaf
Leafy vegetables are high in fiber that our bodies need, but they also contain sugar that scientists call "raffinose".
This score can't be interacted with by your body, so it can cause digestive health problems.
It goes directly to the intestines and is used as energy. This process produces "hydrogen, methane" and produces a foul odor.
3. Eggs
People have different opinions about eggs, but most of us don't get gas from eating eggs. But it is a fact that it contains methionine which contains Sulphur.
So if you want to avoid fried eggs, don't eat other fatty foods.
If you get upset stomach or have diarrhea after eating eggs, it is possible that your digestive system is not working well with eggs or that you have an allergy.
4. Onions
Onions, garlic and similar foods can cause bloating and gas.
5. Foods made from milk
Cow's and goat's milk contain a substance called "lactose" which increases the sugar content.
More importantly, 65% of adults around the world are unable to digest lactose, and are more likely to complain of gas and bloating if they eat dairy products.
6. Whole wheat and sorghum
High gas-producing ingredients and fiber are found in wheat and other whole grains, such as corn and millet.
When this type of food is difficult to digest, the stomach produces more acid than needed.
7. Cabbage and similar vegetables
Like other green vegetables, cabbage, broccoli and other such leaves are all difficult to digest, and then the stomach uses energy to produce excess gas that grinds or breaks down.
Many of these vegetables produce sulfur, so you can imagine how strong their smell is.
8. Fruits
Many fruits and vegetables, such as apples, mangoes and the like are among the foods that are difficult to break down quickly in the stomach.
Sometimes apples and other vegetables have fiber that is great for the stomach, although on the other hand they increase gas.
Many people find it difficult to eliminate indigestion and yet cannot get rid of it.
In conclusion, consult a doctor if these types of foods cause you more problems than usual.